Technical Support Unit for the Development of Industrial Slums
In the framework of the keenness of the Egyptian Organization for Standards and Quality to promote the Egyptian industry
and support the competitiveness of local products and legalize indiscriminate industrial establishments and support it
technically as part of the development of slums plan adopted by the government to improve neighborhoods and communities
to move it to the formal work system.EOS established a specialized unit in the area of technical support for the development
of industrial establishment slums,
The general objectives of the unit:
There are three stages: according to the technical support program,
1- The main role of EOS represented in the Technical Support Unit for the development of industrial slums is to provide
technical support for these projects
The first stage: overcoming obstacles and barriers facing enterprises to enter the formal sector by converting industrial
establishment slums into an industrial developed establishment within 6 months study and knowing the procedures for
obtaining the operating license or final agreement to set up industrialestablishment or industrial register.
Second stage: the achievement of goods and industrial products conformityto the Egyptianstandards or foreign in the case
of EgyptianStandards absence .in order to trade safe products not harmful to health and non-polluting for environment,
increasing its competitiveness in the Egyptian market and help to open new markets.
Third stage: to achieve a quality system commensurate with the size of the enterprise for developing its work, reducing costs
, wastage and continuity of goods& industrial products conformity to the concerned standards
2-Analytical survey by specialized consultants in various industrial fields to determine the appropriateness extent of the
establishment and the manufacturing possibilities for the production of a high quality at lowest costs.
and classifying these establishments and determining obstacles facing them to enter to the formal sector.
3-inviting all decision-makers to take Motivational procedures to legalize the status of industrial establishments slums to be
Small or micro-projects after receiving technical support and raise the quality of its products so that they will join the
formal sector according to Law No. 453 of 1954 issued in respect of industrial and commercial shops and other shops harmful
to health and The decisions implementing its provisions.
The field of technical support:
- The food industries sector
- The chemical industries sector
- Engineering industries sector
- Textile Industries sector
The period of the study: no more than six months
In case of not applying for obtaining the operating license after following-up the field visit. the technical support will stop
for the lack of seriousness of the establishment in the development and moving into the formal sector
Procedures for obtaining technical support:
1. Applying for the technical support Request for the development of industrial slums(( to obtain the request)
2. Filling in the analytical questionnaire to identify obstacles and constraints facing the establishment (to obtain the
3. Determine the availability of a quality system to be added to the technical support program commensurate with the
4. Application for operating license and the approval of the Industrial Development Authority to know the seriousness of
the establishment in the development and move into the formal sector.
- Preferably getting technical support before starting the project with the proposed ofapplying the standard for
construction and design to reduce industrial slums
* You can get a 50% discount to all activities provided by EOS to encourage the development of local industry .
Address: 16 Training of Trainers Street - princely - Cairo EGYPT- 16 Tadreeb El-Modarrebeen St., Ameriya, CAIRO
Phone: 22845509 02- 22845522 02- 2845524 02 173 internal
Fax: 22845504 14:00: 01225708601
Head of Unit: m. / Ahmed Ragab Faraj Abdel Fattah
Mobile: 01225708601