Specialized Units

Specialized Units » Training Center

The continuous training and qualifying program is one of the most important factors in the growth and development of

different organizations as they are the basis of skills and capabilities improvement for the personnel working in those

organizations. Training and qualifying programs improve the performance of the technical and administrative operations,

problems analysis and decisions making.

Realizing the importance of training programs, EOS provides various training programs whether for EOS personnel or from

other different organizations.

EOS welcomes any inquiries in respect of information and data relevant to seminars, training programs, and workshops with

participation of the specialized experts.

EOS welcomes any suggestion of required training program (practical-theoretical) with the purpose of executing such

training programs.

Training Unit contacts details are :

- E-mail: training@eos.org.eg

- Tel:22845522/24  -Ent:224

    Training programs

- Qualifying programs for obtaining quality systems.

- How to obtain the training and qualification services.

EOS training plan April – June, 2016

Training courses Fileds:

Training courses in the field of Management Systems.    

Training programs in the field of electrical tests.

Training programs in the field of Food tests.

Training courses in the field of Calibration.    

Training courses in the field of Textiles.    

Training Courses Program in the field of Chemical tests.