
Standards » Egyptian Standards

Achievements of Information Center

1 – Establishing an electronic communication application at EOS  to follow up the daily work electronically from inside and

outside to  save time, effort, printing, paper, as well as in addition to increasing the speed of work performance. 

2- Finalizing the establishment of an electronic Website & mobile application including an electronic payment system for

purchasing standards through the website and mobile as well as mechanizing of 13 services electronically through the site.

3- EOS is in the process of mechanizing Standards and Measurements Departments including several phases starting from

developing a plan up to issuing a standard.

4- Activating the fingerprint program additional and incentives are linked to the application  automatically ,as well as

fulfillment of  the  personnel affairs reports.

5- Obtaining a grant from the Ministry of Communications to set up a   training lab on computers  depending on capacity of 25


6 - Obtaining  a grant from the Ministry of Communications for training courses for (60) employees of EOS in the field of

human resources.

7 - Raising the speed of the Internet contracted with EOS  from 6-megapixel to 15 megapixel  with the same contracted

amount of money.

8 - Mechanizing  the work of the General Department  of Calibration. 

9 – Mechanizing the work of the General Department of Engineering tests.

10 – Mechanizing the work of the General Department of Chemical tests.

11 – Developing the mechanization work of the General Department of  TestingFood Products..

12 – Mechanizing  Samples Department. 

Egyptian Standards:

The Egyptian standards are the approved technical legislations upon which all stakeholders agree to apply without violatingits

transparency and neutrality. The Central Department for Standardization carries out, through the General Department for

Standards and the General Department for Measurements, the activity of developing and issuing the Egyptian standards as

well as studying the international and foreign standards and providing the means for achieving benefit in the framework of

setting and developing the Egyptian standards with a view to upgrade the local production to reach international levels and

raising its competitiveness, in addition to conducting researches and studies related to international and regional

organizations, following up the activities of technical committees in which EOS is a member as well as studying the Arab

standards and activating the issuance of unified Arab/ Egyptian draft standards. Until September 2015, EOS has issued

about 10000 Egyptian standards covering all the different industrial sectors besides,  about 1000 draft standards in the

different stages of development in the fields of (food products- chemical products and construction materials and

refractories – textile products- engineering products – communications and medical equipment – metrology and measurement

methods and equipment – safety and security systems – quality and environmental systems – documentation and information –

communication systems- consumer affairs).  

Standards are an active way to achieve many important aims as follows:

- Increasing productive capability and improving the product quality in the various fields.

- Simplicity and mutuality.

- Safety , health , protection of life and environment. 

- Consumer and producer protection .

- Communication and understanding between stakeholders in the commercial and industrial activities.

- Reducing costs and complete saving in human effort ,materials and energy.

- Increasing competitiveness of the Egyptian products in the local and international markets.

- Elimination of Technical barriers to trade and reducing disputes.

- Common language.

-The duties and responsibilities of the General Department for Standards and the General Department for Measurements.

are identified according to the decrees and regulations related to establishing and organizing EOS as follows:

- Developing Egyptian standards for industrial raw materials, substances, products, commodities and equipment, industrial

processes besices, measurement & calibration techniques and equipment as well as the standard methods of analysis, testing

and conformity, energy consumption along with technical terms, definitions and symbols.

- Undertaking the technical secretariat of specialized technical committees and preparing the required technical studies for

developing Egyptian draft standards.

- Providing technical consultations related to overcoming the technological problems facing the stages of industrial       production.

- related to conformity of standards as well as updating these standards to cope with the new techniques of industry.

Standard development phases:

Egyptian Standards development undergoes several principles as follows:

- Removing technical barriers to trade through harmonization with international standards and  achieving economic

requirements (European market- COMISA- Arab market) as well as participating in developing international standards and

application  of WTO/ TBT requirements.

- Fulfilling market requirements through achieving the requirements of the state's strategy & enhancing new technologies to

cope the recent products and services and also fulfill the markets needs through reviewing the issued standards and issue a

certain standard for each product.

- Achieving the economic & societal approach by protecting consumer & environmental protection and rationalizing resources

& increasing national income.

- Increasing participation in developing & applying Egyptian standards through the concerned technical committees, private

sector, and consumers and market relevance bodies representatives as well as representatives of small industries and

concerned parties with awareness, information & publication.

- Following the principle requirements in the standards work according to the international criteria( consensus- transparency-

activity- conformity-openness & neutrality ). 

The Egyptian standard is developed through various phases which ensures the transparency between producers and

consumers as follows:

- Field study.

- setting the standard strategy.

- Initial study.

- developing a draft standard.

- Circulation of the standard for receiving comments.

- studying comments.

- presentation to the general committee & the wording committee.

- presentation to the Board of Directors.

- Approval.

- Numbering , publication & distribution.

Setting the standards strategy:

The strategy of developing standards depends mainly on the actual needs of the concerned bodies represented in the

industrial sector or the governmental sector or the consuming sector with the priority for products of economic,

tecknological& environmental interest.

of certain performance and fulfillment of safety & security requirements in accordance with updating and developing the

issued standards to cope with the scientific & technological progress.

The field study:

All concerned standardization bodies are communicated to identify

 its needs either new  standards or amending of issued standards and thus setting work priorities in the standards developing

 plan then approving it by EOS Board of Directors.

Initial study:

The plan is circulated according to the concerned specialized technical committees where the technical secretariat of the

concerned committee conducts researching on the corresponding international references to be studied by the relevant

committee and develop the initial  draft.

Developing a draft standard:

After the approval of the committee formation which comprises technicians from specialized professors from the concerned

universities, research centers and production private &public  sectorsas well as trade, health and agriculture sectors.

Besides, representatives from industrial and trade unions and business men societies( comprising from 7 to 15 members) to

ensure neutrality, transparency and participation of all concerned bodiesin developing the standard.

- The concerned technical committee develops after collecting data and studying all the relevant international,regional

issued standards , besides the members expert, a draft standard according to the initial study through the systemaic

meetings upon the time schedualed and it is held at EOS premises.

Circulation for comments:

After the concerned committee finalizes developing the draft standard, it is circulated to the concerned bodies ( 20 bodies

approximately) to study it and provide comments and proposals, if any through a period of time; 60 days & it is circulated to

the wording committee to review it lingually.

Studying Comments:

All comments & proposals on the draft standard are being studied by the concerned technical committee and this draft is

being amended if necessary and set in its final form.


The final draft standard is presented to EOS Board of Directors to be appoved by the Minister of Industry

Numbering, publication & circulation.

The standard is numbered according to its serial & it is provide for purchase through EOS Selling office or via EOS

Electronic website.