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Preamble on environmental performance unit

- The proposal for environmental performance card for paints products as its importance and direct impact on our lives and surrounding environment started with the issuance of ministerial decree no 116/2022 dated 1/3/2022 granting companies time limit of 6 months to adjust circumstances ending on 1/9/2022

- The environmental limits have been set according to international requirements and recommendations as well as sustainable development goals from UN adopted to reduce bad emits of gases as well as the country vision 2030 that reflects the long term strategic plan to achieve sustainable development goals  in all fields. As the country is seeking to maintain development and environment together via reasonable usage for resources that keep the rights of upcoming generations in a safer and more secure future through challenging impacts of climate changes as well as supporting the ability of eco systems to adapt to challenge hazards and natural disasters along with depending on renewable energy

- The environmental limits have been set  according to the environmental performance for paints have been set Procedures bylaw and models needed to licence using environmental performance Card once the Decree has been issued

- The field of paints registered at the Chemical Industries Chamber is more than 1200 Paints Company.

- The ministerial Decree No 381/2022 has been issued to determine the lead percentage in paints for Gradual removal for paint performance containing high percentage of lead as lead is considered one of the ten dangerous chemicals that represents high risks in the field of hygiene

The Unit

  • The unit has been established according to the ministerial decree 238/2022 on 17/11/2022 to grant the products in miscellaneous sectors (chemical- engineering- textile- food- measurements) environmental performance indicators:
  • Certificates / cards (for products that fulfill specific environmental performance
  • Marks (environmental marks are used all over the world as a sign to encourage consumers to change their consuming habits and using resources and energy wisely in the efforts for sustainable development for the coming century
  • Carbon , hydro and nitrogen footprints indicators (indicator the measures the emits of gases and water consumption on all levels for products




Unit Goals

  • Application of sustainable development goals
  • Prevention of toxic and contaminants substances and their negative effect of environment and people 
  • Encouraging the effective use for products and reduction of residues as well as recycling of all products
  • Reduction of environmental hazards and climate changes

Unit tasks:


* Form to license to stickenvironmental performance card

* Application procedures and requirements

* Environmental performance card limits for paints

* Environmental performance classification for paints

unit head  : Eng: ekram saeed Hassan

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