Egyptian Codex Alimentarius Committee No. (386) - Celebrating World Food Safety Day (2024)
Out of the belief of the Egyptian organization for standardization and Quality (EOS) in the importance of World Food Safety Day, which is scheduled to be celebrated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) on 7 June every year, and in response to the demands of the International Codex and its encouragement for all members to celebrate this day to achieve its goals that are protecting consumers and facilitating trade between member states, and given that the EOS is responsible for the Egyptian Codex, administratively and technically, since Egypt joined the International Codex in 1972, it is also the focal point and a center for obtaining standards, studies, information and technical data.
The Egyptian organization for standardization and Quality (EOS) decided to celebrate World Food Safety Day (2024) on the sidelines of the third meeting of the Egyptian Codex Committee for this year.
To participate in this meeting virtually, please click on the following link:
Password: 633768
Meeting agenda: Click to download