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EOS represents Egypt  in all international and regional organizations and

committees, which activities endorses EOS's  fields of concern and it coordinates

the work of standardization with  its counterparts abroad, and follows up the work

of these organizations and  its technical commissions.  

 EOS undertakes the following tasks:

- Following up  the work of international and regional organizations concerned with

standards and quality as well as its  member standardization bodies and preparing

the necessary studies on issues of interest relevant to  the policy of these


- Participating  in international and regional conferences and meetings .

- Preparing the necessary  arrangemets to hold seminars and workshops with  the

relevant foreign organizations in Egypt. 

-Taking the necessary procedures to hold and activate bilateral MoUs  concerned

with  standards and quality and related activities with Arab and foreign countries in

coordination with each of the Trade Agreements Sector and Egyptian Commercial


- Selling Egyptian standards and Egyptian standards refrences for local entities.

- Preparing data of the recent issuance of foreign and intenationalstandards .

- Organizing and following  up all the missions and grants provided  to EOS from

foreign entities 

- Providing the foreign authorities with the relevant Egyptian standards .

Cooperation at the international and local level :

 EOS performs a wide activity at the international and regional level, it is a member

of the following international and regional organization, associations


-  International Organization for StandardizationISO

- The International Organization of Legal Metrology OIML

-  The African  RegionalOrganisation for StandardisationARSO

-  Arabic Industrial Development and Mining OrganizationAIDMO

- The European Committee for StandardizationCEN .

EOS is also a member of these committees :




- CODEXAlimentarius Commission

- EOS is a memberin (315)  ISO  Technical Committess , (8) ARSO Technical

Committess, (4) CEN   Technical Committess , 

- EOS undertakes the Technical Secretariat of the number (14) technical committees of the Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mining AIDMO.

- Since Egypt signed the WTO Agreement WTO in 1995, it established the Egyptian

inquiry Point  according to the  Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade WTO /

TBT with regards to technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment

systems as well.

- EOS has established a set of corresponding national mirror committees to the relevant international committees as follows:

- The Egyptian mirror committee of CODEXAlimentarius Commission.

- The Egyptian mirror committee of consumer protection affairs  COPOLCO

- The Egyptian mirror committee of Conformity Assessment CASCO

- The Egyptian mirror committee of Quality Management Systems ISO / TC 176

-The Egyptian mirror committee ISO / TC 207 concerned with environmental


- ISO/PC 277  The Egyptian mirror committee concerned with continuous


- The Egyptian mirror committee   ISO/PC 278 concerned with  Bribery Combating.

 - The Egyptian mirror committee concerned with ISO SR, social responsibility.

- Signing of MOUs and bilateral cooperation programs in the field of  the relevant

activities of  standards and conformity assessment with the relevant counterpartes

of Arab and  foreign entities in the following countries : 

Foreign Countries:

China – France - Britain - Australia - Ukraine - Germany - American Society for

Testing and Materials ASTM - Nigeria - Malaysia - Czech Republic - Malta - India -

Greece - Poland – African Regional Organization for Standardization ARSO - South

Korea - Turkey - Brazil – Indonesia - European Committee for Standardization CEN

- Russia - Uganda – Kenya .

Arab countries:

Jordan, Bahrain, Algeria , Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Morocco

Tunisia, Syria, Oman,Palestine, Qatar Lebanon

Signing of cooperation protocols with local entities :

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and the College of Engineering  -Helwan

University in the development of standard specifications for vehicles and  its


- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and the National Research Centre in the

field to achieve the principles of quality assurance for laboratories products and

engineering goods, chemical, food and textile.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and the University of Assiut, in the field

of studies and research related to production quality and conformity to the

approved and accredited standards with respect to Upper Egypt governorates .

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS andArab Academy for Science and

Technology and Maritime Transport (Productivity & Quality Institute in Alexandria) 

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and the faculty of Engineering

– CairoUnivercityin the field of preparation of standards of electronic engineering

products and systems

- Protocol  of Cooperation  between EOS and the company SGS protocol on

training courses in the fields of management systems and the holding of joint

seminars and workshops.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and the faculty of Engineering – Ain shams


- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and the EngineeringComapanyFor The

Petroleum And Process IndustriesEnppi.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS andAnd the Alexandria Businessmen's

Association in the field of specifications activities.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and Egypt Air  in the field of Medical

Services .

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS andTheInternational Electrotechnical

Commissionin the development of IEC Electrotechnical specifications.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS andGeneral Engineers Association in the

field of  applying  The Egyptian standards in all fields of engineering.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS and industrial modernisation center within the framework of the provision of services specifications, quality and

conformity assessment of various industrial facilities.

- Protocol of cooperation between EOS andGeneral Authority for the control of

exports and imports in the fields of inspection, testing and training, industrial


- Protocol of cooperation between EOS andThe National Institute for Quality in the

field of training and rehabilitation, consultancy and technical support .