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EOS provides many services through its different sevices: 

First : In the field of standards:

- Selling Egyptian standards & relevant guides.

- Selling Egyptian standards for customers from abroad. 

- Selling international and foreign standards.

- Providing Egyptian standards

- Providing international and foreign standards.

-Translating the relevant Egyptian Standards for national or international bodies.

- Studying the possibility of issuing an Egyptian standard for (products/services)

ccording to various concerned bodies request.

- Providing a statement of the latest editions of the relevant Egyptian or international standards.

Second : In the field of Quailty:

- Issuing the Egyptian Quality Mark for national products.

- Issuing conformity certificate for a specified quantity of the commodity or


- Issuing conformity mark for a commodity or product.

- Verification- inspection of national trailors.

- Adoption of steam boiler documents for obtaining licence.

- Adoption of the fundamental module for the Indian commodities.

- Issuing conformity certificate for the products relevant to safety and security. 

Third : in the field of measurements & Industrial calibration:

- Conducting measurements & Industrial calibrations in the field of physical

lectrical, mechanical & medical equipment & devices inside and outside EOS.

Fourth : in the field of laboratory testing:

 - Conducting tests on industrial materials, substances, products & commodities in

he field of engineering & chemical industries, building materials, food products and

extile products.

 Fifth : in the field of training: 

- EOS provides a distinctive training service via EOS accredited Training & Technical

consultations  Center, as it performs the following tasks:

- Providing training programs(practical- theoretical)in the fields of standards, quality,

measurements & industrial measurements, testing, quality management systems,

environment, energy and safety & professional health. It also provides training

programs to relevant customers enquiring training either at EOS premesis or outwards.

- Providing technical cosultations in the various fields of EOS activities.

Sixth : in the field of technical consultations:

The cost of technical consultation fee is as follows:

-The type of consultation - no. of work hours- the consultation fee.

- Small cosultations less than 21 hours varies from 100-1000 EGP.

- Medium consultations from 21 hours up till less than 35 hours from 1000-5000 EGP.

- Great consultations, more than 35 hours from 1000-5000 EGP.

Senenth : in the field of Publication & information:

Issuing publications on the various activities and services provided by EOS.

Issuing EOS Standards & Quality Bulletin every 2 months.

Issuing a monthly electronic leaflet in the field of social responsibility.

Issuing a quarterly year leaflet on EOS activities in the field of CODEX.

Providing awareness on EOS activities asnd services provided via holding symposiums/


EOS provides the capability of obtaining standards & quality bulletin via subscibtion or

purchase and it also provides CODEX & Social responsibility leaflets for free.

Eighth : in the field of consumer protection:

EOS has a specialized unit for consumer protection affairs & it performs the

following tasks:

- Continuous coordination with cosumer protection Authorityto settle consumers

problems, if any by settling relevant disputes and problems which faces consumers as a

result of purchasing different goods & commodities in the various fields of industry.

- Establishing the Egyptian committee for consumer protection and the international

corresponding mirror committee ISO- COPOLCO.

Marketing Unit : Ninth

The marketing unit has been established with the purpose of identifying, marketing and

 promoting all EOS various services to the producers and exporters in the companies

and industrial establishments in ( Chemical –Food- Engineering- Textile) sectors

besides following up its customers till they have the required service as well as receiving

customers technical queries relevant to all EOS services and replying to such queries

 through EOS specialists.

Marketing Unit contact details are :

- E-mail:

- Tel : 22845521/22/24  -Ent : 298

- Fax : 22845501