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EOS is the only national & competent    body in Egypt affiliated for undertaking all the relevant activities of preparing and issuing Egyptian standards,as well as the different  activities in the field of  quality assurance and comfirmity assessment for the relevant products, testing & industrial measurements,aiming at increasing the quality of the Egyptian products to be competitive in the international and local  markets along with consumer's  protection and environment.

- Besides,representing Egypt in the  international and regional organizations in the fields of standards, quality, measurements and testing.


The presidential Decree no. 2/1957 stipulated the establishment of EOS under the name of "Egyptian Organization for Standardization", and in the same year EOS became an ISO member.

Moreover, Quality Control Center has been established and joined to EOS Structure according to the Presidential Decree no. 392/1979. EOS's name was editted to be "Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control".

Lately, EOS name has been changed to be "Egyptian Organization for Standards and Quality" according to the presidential Decree no. 83/2005.